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An Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc. event

2023 Summer Music Series

Support Those Who Support YOUR Community


Elizabeth City is a very generous community of businesses and people. One of the main reasons Music on the Green at Mariners' Wharf has succeeded and grown over the years is because of the very generous financial and in-kind contributions of our sponsors. Most of our sponsors have supported MOG from the very beginning -- ten years ago. We thank them so very much and we ask YOU to take a moment to thank them personally, as well. Take note that all of these sponsors are local businesses or organizations. They are the heart of our community and we urge you to support THEM as they support YOU by helping to make our little town thrive culturally through events like this.

2024  Music on the Green Sponsors
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ECDI Logo 2021 Final 1_edited.png
An Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc. event
Elizabeth City Downtown Inc.

106 S. Water Street, 252-338-4104, A local non-profit organization whose main goal is downtown revitalization, this group is very active in Downtown Elizabeth City. Led by an executive director and a Board full of intelligent and active business and community members, ECDI works hard to represent the interests of downtown business owners and promote downtown through a variety of activities and events, including the annual NC Potato Festival.

ECDI Premier Sponsors 2024

Premier Sponsors Square logos FINAL.png

© 2023 by Elizabeth City Downtown Inc. 

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